06 Jul NAEKO with culture: Confined stories
The NAEKO group, faithful to its commitment to culture and the arts, has had the pleasure of collaborating in the materialization of the book “Històries confinades. Relats, poemes i il.lustracions santboians del coronavirus“. The project, coordinated by the Santboian creative Amadeu Alemany (whom we can listen daily from 8 to 11, conducting his program “La República Santboiana” on Radio Sant Boi at 89.4 FM) aims to pay tribute to all the victims of the Covid-19, keeping culture alive in times of crisis.
Behind the words “for those people who suffered the coronavirus and, especially, those who lost their lives. We will always remember you” and the foreword by the Mayor of Sant Boi de Llobregat Lluïsa Moret i Sabidó, the work contains the stories, poems and illustrations by 19 authors from Sant Boi who have altruistically yielded their works focused on the confinement and impact of the Coronavirus. This is Amadeu Alemany, Mikel Martín, Montse Comas, Alfredo Segarra, Ángels Almazán, Germà Terol, Cysko Muñoz, Judit Fernández, Joan Aldavert, Laia Gimeno, Carles Rossell, Núria Salán, Nati Comas, the great Vicente Corachán, Jaume Farrés, Emilio Moreno, Raquel Gu, Maite Moreno, and Toni Carbos.
In addition to the collaboration of NAEKO, the work has had the participation of the PANET company, the Barcelona Provincial Council, the Sant Boi de Llobregat City Council and has been edited by the Alda Talent publishing house. The book is free, and will be given to the inhabitants of Sant Boi as a tribute to the victims of the Covid-19.